
Where can I purchase Vivobarefoot?

Our full list of distributors and stores to shop Vivobarefoot can be found in our Store Locations page.

We advise you to shop at  http://www.vivobarefoot.com/  or in any of the legitimate sites listed below which are managed either by Vivobarefoot and/or from our distribution partners.

International (includes UK, US, Canada and all regions not listed below) https://www.vivobarefoot.com/

Australia: http://www.vivobarefoot.com.au/

Austria: https://www.vivobarefoot.com/eu

Canada: https://www.vivobarefoot.com/ca

Czech Republic: http://www.vivobarefoot.cz/

Finland: https://vivokauppa.fi/fi


Germany: http://www.vivobarefoot.de/

Israel: http://www.vivobarefoot.il/

South Africa: https://vivobarefoot.co.za/

Switzerland: https://www.vivobarefoot.ch/

Japan: https://vivobarefoot.co.jp/ 

If you spot a site or a distributor you are not sure of, please contact our customer service team and do not purchase from them until we can confirm if the vendor is legitimate.

We are working with our legal team to ensure copy sites stop running. While we have authorized retail partners who are able to use our brand name, they are not allowed to make you believe you are purchasing directly from the brand.

Categories: FAQs Orders