Written by Galahad Clark. The part in your brain that gets information from your feet is the same size as the part that gets information from your hands.
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Written by Galahad Clark. The part in your brain that gets information from your feet is the same size as the part that gets information from your hands.
Prof Dan Lieberman, chair of the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard recently published research in the US science journal, Nature (June 2019), about the effect calluses, have on the sensitivity of bare feet.
One of the key topics in my latest book, Feel Better In 5: Your Daily Plan To Feel Great For Life, is connection. So Vivobarefoot’s mission statement, to reconnect people and planet, really resonates with me. The idea that we need to disconnect (from technology) to reconnect (with each other, ourselves and the natural world) couldn’t be a more important one to share.
To be a minimalist runner is to shed all the extra padding, support and excess ‘stuff’ on your feet. To be precise: your running shoes! But don’t kick off your shoes and head out there barefoot just yet.
Du kan inte ha missat dem: lysande neon, med superhöga stackar och spetsiga klackar - det är den nya souped-up -skon från du vet vem; Japp, kryssa för.
I used to suffer with persistent lower back pain. After multiple trips to the doctors and various physiotherapists I was diagnosed with having chronically tight psoas muscles (pronounced SO-as).
VIVOBAREFOOT have partnered with Sensoria to put the smartest shoe on the planet on to your feet. Fully loaded with an unprecedented x4 100htz sensors and an onboard computer that can capture and process lab standard data all built into the VIVOBAREFOOT ultra 5mm thin patented outsole.
Vivobarefoot från en ortopedkirurgs synvinkel eller Wolffs och Davis lagar. Jag fick lära känna Vivobarefoot-skor för ungefär fem år sedan när jag försökte optimera mina idrottspatienters rörelser, både i förebyggande syfte och vid rehabilitering, och letade efter rätt skor för dem och för mig själv för att komma så nära fotens naturliga rörelse som möjligt.
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